Why Hire a Southeast London Taxi as Your Wedding Car?

Southeast London Taxi as Your Wedding Car

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So, why should one hire these taxis? What is the specialty of these taxis? We have answers to all your questions. Let’s read!

Southeast London Taxis provide classic and electric taxis for weddings which ensures that clients arrive at their venues in style. They provide such taxis which can impress you and your partner. The licensed drivers of these cabs arrive 30 minutes before departure so that you can take photographs in many poses. To make you feel that extra special, they decorate the cars with ribbons and bows according to your choice of yours. These taxis are equipped with air conditioning and panoramic glass roofs.

If you are looking for an iconic vehicle or want some extra space in your vehicle, then these cars are suitable for your wedding day. These White London Taxis known as the Trusty Black Cab, are available to hire only as wedding day cars. You can even hire more than one and the roof of these cabs light up “MARRIED”. Once you get on these cabs, your day gets magical every moment. The floral decorations are flawless and beautiful.

Coming to comfortability, the traditional White FX4 Fairway Taxis which comes with classic 1960’s looks and curves comes with soundproofed for extra comfort and the cushioning has dove grey leather. They know that larger areas and spacious cars are always a great choice for brides and grooms. Moreover, the cabs have big doors so that passengers do not have to struggle coming out through the tiny rear doors on their wedding day. This makes a total wedding dress-friendly vehicle that has plenty of headroom and handles. Say no to missing parties even when the journey is on! These taxis come with a face-to-face seating layout so that you never miss your party or talk over your shoulder. You can easily chat with your family members or friends with ease and comfort throughout the journey.

Don’t miss this part! These wedding cars come with excellent photo booth areas which are the best entertainment spots for the guest as everyone gets a chance to capture some unique photos. The photo booth cabs give instant prints, save all the images and even record video messages from the guests.  What else do you need? Even these Taxi Booths come with a complete fun props box, unlimited visits, touch screen controls, and helpful attendants. You just have to choose which prop you need and which pose you want! They can even make a short film showing how your journey went on your Big Day, making you enjoy every moment of your day.

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